Monday, September 27, 2010

HW 4 - Your Families' Foodways

In Ireland, when my parents were growing up, everything they ate was healthy. My father’s family owned a farm; so every day they would eat 100% homegrown food. Their meat was fresh, their milk was fresh, vegetables, fruit, and everything was homegrown. As for my mother, her father had a vegetable garden, so her diet was heavily based around homegrown vegetables. They never ate fast food, or any of the processed foods that have now become commonplace in the modern diet. They both claim that ate way healthier then, than they do now. And are positive that they ate healthier than I do now. I don’t disagree whatsoever.
Their practices in eating were heavily based around the family aspect. They always ate together around the dinner table, lively with discussion. My mother was made to come home everyday from school during lunch to eat at home. The idea of a family meal is very strongly enforced.  Our ideas about food differ a lot, my parents believe in eating healthy, and I don’t really care.

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