Monday, December 20, 2010

HW 25

For those without healthcare insurance life sucks and getting medical care costs an arm and a leg (sometimes literally), but that's not who I'm documenting. I'm documenting those of you with medical care, how there are so many holes in our healthcare system, and using it show you how corporate America has there hands in every pocket of our lives. There are better alternatives, such as a better and more friendly socialized healthcare system like they have in France, England, and Canada. These healthcare systems are just as good as our expensive ones, if not better, and are free. America can get there, but the question is if we ever will. 

1. People with healthcare can still be turned down for many things, including pre-existing conditions.
Importance: To show people how our system of doing things sucks.
2. France's healthcare system is more efficient, and very friendly.
Importance: To show why a more socialist country's system is better.

Although Moore never directly said that the French doctors were government-employees, he tried to merge it with Britain's healthcare system, he used similarities to make it seem as though their respective health care systems were identical. So this quote doesn't directly counter his argument, but it was still pretty sneaky of him to do, "The doctors are not government employees, especially the médecin non conventionné, the private doctors who are allowed to charge whatever they want for their services." 

Moore made some points and really tried to sell the nationalized healthcare system. He makes life seem much better and longer in France, England, and Cuba, even though in France they can expect to live only 2 years longer than Americans. One thing I took from this movie is that it seems like the world always gets it right while we don't. But have we forgotten what America is? That it's our country, that changed the world through the creation of the assembly line, that some of the world's greatest minds came from or to America? That if you try hard, you can make it. A lot of cynical people love to shit on our country. Sorry if I've ventured off point, but it boils my blood when people, who are only in their position because of America, bite the hand that fed them.

1 comment:

  1. Jay,

    Your apt precis faltered in the last line which lacked an accurate representation of Moore's "we can do it" rhetoric.

    Similarly, your interesting, if not particularly researched, critique ran off the rails. You noticed that you had been caught up in a reflexive moment of buttons-pushed-cliche'-launching but proved unable to stop yourself - thus providing an excellent example of why critical movements to improve the U.S. often fail. Do you ever wonder when these emotional-reflex-mechanisms got implanted in your soul and whether they're removable? Or do you see them as intrinsic?
