Sunday, January 23, 2011

HW 32

Although this unit wasn't as thought provoking as the food unit, I still learned a lot. While most people in our class consider a lot of things in our society to be atrocities, I do not. I see it as capitalism at it's best. People seeing oppurtunity to profit where others do not. We can sit around and argue for class after class, but that will change nothing. If someone really felt strongly about these so-called "atrocities", they would do something about it. If a bunch of executives can herd all of the sheep of America into believing their lives are fine and fair, than congrats to them. That just proves they're smarter than you. The majority of our class sits around whining about the capitalistic mentality, but they're just lazy. These "horrible people" took advantage of what they had, you all just say we live in a world where we're oppressed. So I invite you to do something about. Excuse my digression. Back to the point, this unit did show me inside the world of American health and there were many great insights. I do, however, stand by my argument that capitalism is good and bitching and moaning never got anybody anywhere.
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  1. Your post was not like many I've read, you seemed kind of upset which intrigued me. You explained other aspects of the unit which I didn't really think of, such as capitalism and the so called atrocities. This post was very insightful and I hope to read more post like this. Great

  2. I actually liked this post a lot because it took on a point of view that was not only different but also full of confidence. I especially liked the line, "I see it as capitalism at it's best. People seeing oppurtunity to profit where others do not." You make a good point about Capitalism and the point of the system is to profit. I found a lot of insights in your post and found it very interesting.

  3. Although your blog post went a bit off topic I think you brought up some interesting points. "...can herd all of the sheep of America..." My question to you is, don't you feel like one of those sheep as well? What seperates you from the rest of us? How can we begin to change the way we live to stop being the sheep?
